Audacious: The Life and Career of George Veras
In this episode of the Greater Than The Game podcast, we sit down with George Veras, Executive Vice President of Productions & Media at the Pro Football Hall of Fame. In the podcast, we talk about his journey from working with the New York Jets as a ball boy to working for the NFL Hall of Fame.
Going Above and Beyond
We discuss Veras’s career in sports media, working as a producer/director for
various outlets in sports, including CBS and ABC. in the episode, the ten-time Emmy winner gives us his first-hand perspective on some iconic moments in sports history, like the 1980 Winter Olympics and the Freezer Bowl, the NFL’s coldest game.
All Around the World
Veras also shares lessons learned from producing shows across the world with composer and keyboardist Yanni and with PBS. He also discusses his upcoming book series, The American Dream Job.
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